When We Take Your Case

We Take Up Your Cause

Business Law
Commercial Law
Elder Law
Our Mission

Fixing legal issues before they become problems

Whether you are an individual, startup, or long-established corporation, navigating through a legal issue can be perplexing and present many difficulties. All legal issues present their own unique and complex challenges regardless of whether it is a complex, multi-party commercial litigation or the organization of a new business.

The Rutala Law Group has the skill, experience, and devotion to both advise you on how to avoid legal problems or to powerfully represent you through tumultuous litigation.

About Us

Powerful Representation

– Joe Rutala, Founder –

In the legal world, as the classic proverb states: “An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure.” The Rutala Law Group focuses on identifying its clients’ particular and unique legal issues to provide the guidance its clients need to navigate the legal landscape before those potential legal issues can develop in to a real legal problem. Given this, the Rutala Law Group counsels its clients to seek advise early, before there are any legal issues on the horizon, so that we can place them on an appropriate course to avoid any potential future legal hurdles.


Do I Need An Attorney?

With the arrival of the internet and internet-based DIY legal products, many individuals question whether or not they need an attorney or whether they can avoid the cost of an attorney by doing it themselves. The problem with these internet-based products or looking up on the internet how to do your own legal work is the law is very complex and it varies depending on your geographical location—i.e. the Federal Government has its own laws, each State has its own laws, and each municipality within the a State has its own laws.

 Furthermore, the court procedure or administrative procedures of State Courts and Local Municipalities all vary.  The internet-based products, generally, do not accommodate these local variations in law. Furthermore, the internet is an unreliable source.  The information is only as good as the knowledge and experience of the person posting, which may be bad. Furthermore, the law is not stagnant; rather, it is constantly changing and adapting.  Thus, even if you found something that worked yesterday, it does not mean that it will work today.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

 Unfortunately, many individuals want to avoid the upfront cost of an attorney, which ends up costing them exponentially more when their DIY efforts fail.

An example of this is a landlord that drafts his or her own lease without knowing the local landlord-tenant laws. Upon trying to evict a tenant who defaulted for nonpayment of rent, the landlord learns that he or she failed to follow the local code or the lease has an illegal provision which made it illegal for the landlord to collect any rent in the first place. Now, the landlord cannot evict and could potentially be ordered to return all prior rents to the tenant. This unfortunate landlord will now have to hire an attorney who will need to do triple the work to undo the landlord’s failed attempt at legal work.

The moral of this story is that if you are asking yourself “do I you need an attorney,” then you likely need an attorney. As stated, “An once of prevention is worth a pound of Cure.”

Can You Guarantee an Outcome?

In short, no. An attorney tendering a guarantee is forbidden by the Pennsylvania Rule of Professional Conduct 7.1 and the New Jersey Rule of Professional Conduct 7.1, which both prohibit an attorney from making false or misleading comments about the lawyer or the lawyer’s services.

The law is not an exact science and there are many variables involved in any legal matter. Even if an attorney is 100% correct on the law, there is still the fact that a judge, arbiter, or administrative agency will just make a bad decision. Therefore, it is considered a misleading communication to guarantee an outcome.


From Our Clients

“I have worked with the Rutala Law Group regarding a variety of issues, for both my business, and personal. Joe is an extremely knowledgeable attorney, and very responsive.

Attorney Rutala is a one-of-a-kind attorney. He Lays out all the legal options in a straight forward way which greatly helps in understanding the legal process and any timeframe involved. He is respectful and reliable, and I was impressed by his in court presentation skills.

What We Do Best

Practice Areas

Business Law

Although appropriate planning can help avoid many potential legal issues, the law is not an exact science and it is impossible to plan for every possible contingency that can arise in the course of running ones life or business. Therefore, it is important to have an intelligent, dedicated, and strong legal partner to zealously represent you when legal problems arise.

Commercial Law

Commercial law is area that covers a broad spectrum of fields related to the transaction of commerce. Many of these areas are governed by specific statutes or codes that orchestrate the manner in which people and businesses interact.

Elder Law

 Elder law is an area of law that spans over several fields of law that deals with the legal needs of individuals as they age toward the end of their life.  Rutala Law can help you and your loved ones prepare so you can live safely and comfortably.

Ready to Work With Us?

Schedule a Free Consultation.

Whether you are planning for the future or need to litigate, the Rutala Law Group will provide you personalized legal service that is responsive to your legal needs and effective.